[중간고사 대비] 3월 모의고사 변형문제 고1 영어 29번~40번
(29-1 변형문제). 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고르면?
Although there is usually a correct way of holding and playing musical instruments, the most important instruction to begin with is ① that they are not toys and that they must be looked after. ② Allow children time to explore ways of handling and playing the instruments for themselves before showing them. Finding different ways to produce sounds ③ is an important stage of musical exploration. Correct playing comes from the desire ④ to find the most appropriate sound quality and find the most comfortable playing position so that one can play with control over time. As instruments and music become more complex, learning
appropriate playing techniques becomes ⑤ increasing relevant.
(29-2 변형문제). 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
① ( ) there is usually a correct way of holding and playing musical instruments, the most important instruction ② ( ) is what they are not toys and that they must be looked after. Allow children time to explore ways of handling and playing the instruments for themselves
before showing them. ③ ( ) different ways to produce sounds is an important stage of musical exploration. Correct playing comes from the desire to find the most appropriate sound quality and find the most comfortable
playing position ④ ( ) one can play with control over time. ⑤ ( ) instruments and music become more complex, learning
appropriate playing techniques becomes increasingly relevant.
① Despite
② to begin with
③ Finding
④ so that
⑤ As

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오?
① When the price of something fundamental drops greatly, the whole world can change. Consider light. Chances are you are reading this sentence under some kind of artificial light. ② Moreover, you probably never thought about whether using artificial light for reading was worth it. Light is so cheap that you use it without thinking. ③ But in the early 1800s, it
would have cost you four hundred times what you are paying now for the same amount of light. At that price, you would notice the cost and would think twice before using artificial light to read a book. The decrease in the price of light lit up the world. Not only did it turn night into day, but it allowed us to live and work in big buildings that ④ artificial light could not enter. Nearly nothing we have today would be ⑤ possible if the cost of artificial light had not dropped to almost nothing.
[31 ~ 34] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
31. One of the most important aspects of providing good care is making sure that an animal’s needs are being met consistently and predictably. Like humans, animals need a
sense of control. So an animal who may get enough food but doesn’t know when the food will appear and can see no consistent schedule may experience _____________. We can provide a sense of control by ensuring that our animal’s environment is predictable : there is always water available and always in the same place. There is always food when we get up in the morning and after our evening walk. There
will always be a time and place to eliminate, without having to hold things in to the point of discomfort. Human companions can display consistent emotional support, rather than providing love one moment and withholding love the next. When animals know what to expect, they can feel more confident and calm.
① isolation
② distress
③ confidence
④ happiness
⑤ nature
32. When a child is upset, the easiest and quickest way to calm them down is to give them food. This acts as a distraction from the feelings they are having, gives them something to do with their hands and mouth and shifts their attention from whatever was upsetting them. If the food chosen is also seen as a treat such as sweets or a biscuit, then the child will feel ‘treated’ and happier. In the shorter term using food like this is effective. But in the longer term it can ____________ as we quickly learn that food is a good way to manage emotions. Then as we go through life, whenever we feel annoyed, anxious or even just bored, we
turn to food to make ourselves feel better.
① celebrate achievements
② be harmful
③ learn etiquettes
④ improve memory
⑤ make friends
33. Scientists believe that the frogs’ ancestors were water dwelling, fishlike animals. The first frogs and their relatives gained the ability to come out on land and enjoy the opportunities for food and shelter there. But they still kept many ties to the water . A frog’s lungs do not work very well, and it gets part of its oxygen by breathing through its skin. But for this kind of “breathing” to work properly, the frog’s skin must stay moist. And so the frog must __________ where it can take a dip every
now and then to keep from drying out. Frogs must also lay their eggs in water, as their fishlike ancestors did. And eggs laid in the water must develop into water creatures, if they
are to survive. For frogs, metamorphosis thus provides the bridge between the water dwelling young forms and the land dwelling adults.
① remain near the water
② often competed with land dwelling species
③ had almost all the necessary organs
④ suffered from rapid changes in temperature
⑤ had to develop an appetite for new foods

34. It is important to distinguish between being legally allowed to do something, and actually _________ it. A law could be passed allowing everyone, if they so wish, to run a mile in two minutes. That would not, however, increase their effective freedom, because, although allowed to do so, they are physically incapable of it. Having a minimum of restrictions and a maximum of possibilities is fine. But in the real world most people will never have the opportunity either to become all that they are allowed to become, or to need to be restrained from doing everything that is possible for them to do. Their effective freedom depends on actually having the means and ability to do what they choose.
① determining how much they can expect from others
② learning what socially acceptable behaviors are
③ respecting others’ rights to freedom
④ protecting and providing for the needy
⑤ being able to go and do
35~39번: 글의 흐름 및 순서 맞추기라 생략함
40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In one study, researchers asked pairs of strangers to sit down in a room and chat. In half of the rooms, a cell phone was placed on a nearby table; in the other half, no phone was present. After the conversations had ended,
the researchers asked the participants what they thought of each other. Here’s what they learned: when a cell phone was present in the room, the participants reported the quality of their relationship was worse than those
who’d talked in a cell phone free room. The pairs who talked in the rooms with cell phones thought their partners showed less empathy. Think of all the times you’ve sat down to have lunch with a friend and set your phone on the table. You might have felt good about yourself because you didn’t pick it up to check your
messages, but your unchecked messages were still hurting your connection with the person sitting across from you.
The presence of a cell phone weakens the
(A)___________ between people involved in (B)___________, even when the phone is being ignored.
① connection ······· conversations
② dismemberment ······· ignorance
③ separation ······· ignorance
④ connection ······· ignorance
⑤ separation ······· conversations